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Cold rolling mill

Cold Rolling Mill: A Revolution in Steel Industry

Every day, we come across a variety of products made of steel, be it utensils, machineries or automobiles. Have you ever wondered how steel is made or processed? One of the most vital processes in the steel industry is cold rolling, along with SUNNY's product sheet metal production line. This process involves passing a metal through rollers at room temperature, resulting in uniform thickness and smooth surface. cold rolling mills are the machines used to perform this essential process.

Advantages of Cold Rolling Mill

Cold rolling mills have numerous advantages over hot rolling mills, same with the cold rolling mill manufactured by SUNNY. Firstly, the cold rolling process produces steel with better surface quality, tight tolerance, and higher mechanical strength. Secondly, it saves energy as cold rolling mills consume 15% less energy than hot rolling mills. Lastly, cold rolling mills are cost-effective as they produce high-quality results with less material waste.


Why choose SUNNY Cold rolling mill?

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